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Carrie Vereide and Daniel Christie live and work in Choco, Colombia as part of MCC’s Seed program.
August 24th marked a historic day for Colombia. The negotiations between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (the FARC) reached a conclusion, effectively ending the longest-running armed conflict in the Western hemisphere. While several key events need to take place before the official signing and implementation of the peace accords, this news represents a significant step towards the next stage of building peace in Colombia.That was not, however, the only agreement settled on that day by the Colombian government; the other agreement concerned the people of Chocó (“Chocoanos”).
Chocó is a province on the western coast of Colombia. While geographically large, its population is only around 500,000, the vast majority who are Afro-Colombian or Indigenous. Chocó is one of the richest regions in Colombia in natural resources (oil, gold, platinum), yet approximately two-thirds of Chocoanos live below the poverty line, and the United Nations has classified 42% as living in “extreme poverty,” making Chocó the poorest province in Colombia. Over a third of the districts in the region do not have reliable or continual access to electricity; poor and dangerous road conditions have resulted in many deaths; and there are numerous reports of Chocoanos, mainly children, dying from preventable causes, such as contaminated water and easily treatable diseases (for some recent examples, see here, here, or here). Furthermore, many Chocoanos have been direct and indirect victims of the decades of violence and war in Colombia.
![The green, yellow, and blue flag of Chocó being flown on Colombia’s Independence Day (July 20). [Source: El Espectador:]](
The green, yellow, and blue flag of Chocó being flown on Colombia’s Independence Day (July 20).
[Source: El Espectador:×484/eae0bcdb4e9cdc1991bde958baefcd0d.jpg]
![The emblem created for the strike. [Source: The Civic Committee’s Facebook Page:]](
The emblem created for the strike.
[Source: The Civic Committee’s Facebook Page:]
The Civic Committee made clear its refusal to end the strike until an agreement was reached concerning all areas of concern. The civil strike lasted eight days, finally ending on August 24th with the announcement of a settled agreement. Among many other things, the agreement included commitments to improving the major highways in and out of Chocó, increased funding for existing health infrastructure and the creation of additional hospitals, and providing electricity for the districts currently disconnected from the national electrical grid. (For those interested, the full agreement can be found in Spanish on The Civic Committee’s Facebook page.)
![Chocoanos march in Quibdó during the civil strike. [Source: Resumen del Sur:]](
Chocoanos march in Quibdó during the civil strike.
[Source: Resumen del Sur:×305.jpg]
Andrés* presented a similar perspective, commenting that while the strike was necessary, “the only serious [area of concern] is the administration of resources. It’s like a double-edged sword. Resources are misspent. The national government is at fault for this because they don’t investigate the functionaries, the government workers. The results are not seen like they should be.” As Laura* expressed, “This agreement will have a positive impact in the department if there is serious and consistent oversight on the part of the central government for all of the processes and works here in the Chocó. On the contrary, the same as always will continue happening: the government sends the resources for works in Chocó, and they aren’t enough or they disappear.”
Whether or not this civil strike and its subsequent agreement will result in significant, beneficial changes for the people of Chocó can only be known over time. Regardless, we think it is important to place this matter within the wider context of the Colombian desire for peace. All too often “peace” is used only in the narrow, negative sense of “the absence of war or conflict.” Peace can, however, also be understood positively as signifying well-being, harmony, health, security, prosperity, and just restoration. With a holistic understanding of peace that takes into account both the negative and positive dynamics, it becomes clear that the agreement between the Colombian government and The Civic Committee is, in fact, about obtaining peace. Accordingly, both agreements settled on August 24th by the Colombian government can be seen as peace agreements, and if there is to be the possibility of peace—of true peace—in Colombia, both are vitally important.
*Names have been changed in order to protect the identities of our participants. We truly and gratefully thank them for their time and insights.