From the Evangelical Mennonite Church of Honduras

Migration is not something new.  It is a human condition derived from of diverse circumstances.  As Christians, we have the Biblical example of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph and the other patriarchs that emigrated.  There were diverse reasons, but we would highlight the primary as the quest to satisfy basic human needs.  We see the case of Jesus and his parents who were threatened and had to migrate to protect their lives and carry out God’s purpose on earth.

It is known that in Honduras an average of 250 people emigrate daily, equally for diverse reasons, but essentially in response to their needs.  They flee violence and persecution from the system, the lack of opportunities in a suffocating economic situation, in search of a dignified life for themselves and their descendants.

In this current situation of our Honduras, the recent social occurrence is the mass migration of more than 5000 people who are now in the top news of different national and international media.

Mothers with their small children, the elderly, people with special challenges, and youth, among others, are looking for the opportunities that this country does not offer, although this search also implies risks that could mean the loss of their lives or that of a loved one.

In response to this situation the Evangelical Mennonite Church of Honduras states the following:

  1. To the Migrants: We are with you. You are in our prayers and in the solidarity actions that we can coordinate.  Remember that you are not going alone; Jesus is accompanying you.
  2. To the Authorities of this Country: You are the guarantors for people’s lives, responsible for building a country with opportunities for everyone. We respectfully request that you:
  • Coordinate actions that allow for the respect of human rights of the migrants
  • Seek alternatives that provide opportunities for all (employment, housing, health, education)
  • Distribute with justice and equality the resources that belong to Hondurans
  • Make serious commitments to stop the corruption and create mechanisms for the transparent management of funds.
  • Decrease the imposed charges and end the exemptions for privileged groups.
  • Establish salaries and wages in line with the country’s social and economic situation.
  1. To the Politicians: Do not use this current situation to promote your political party. Your commitment is to serve.
  2. To the Catholic and Evangelical Christians: This situation should call us to deep reflection about the need to review the role of the church from a Biblical rather than a particular political perspective. We encourage organized times for prayer, vigils, fasting, community solidarity campaigns, and all that the Spirit of Christ can motivate us to do that gives hope and light to this people that now more than ever needs the church to be seen and to share the grace of Christ.
  3. To the General Public: We need to be attentive to defend our rights as citizens. Let us be united against all that produces death and let us promote the values that generate life and hope for our beloved nation.


José Fernandez

President of the Evangelical Mennonite Church of Honduras.

La Ceiba, Honduras, October 23, 2018