Katie Geluso, is a Salter currently serving in Mexico City. This post was adapted from her personal blog.
Burundi’s president wants to run for an unconstitutional third term and the country might be on the ...
Elizabeth Vincent works with the Center for Ecology and the Andean People (CEPA), a friend organization of Mennonite Central Committee.
In November this past year (2014) there was a calamitous wildlife die-o...
David Sulewski, together with his wife Tibrine da Fonesca, works with MCC in Quito, Ecuador, coordinating the Refugee Project, a ministry of the Mennonite Church in Quito to refugees, the majority of whom are f...
By Anna Vogt, a service worker in MCC Colombia currently working with Justapaz, a Mennonite organization working for justice, peace and non-violent action in Colombia. Originally posted at: thellamadiaries.wo...
Sarah DeGraff is the Service Learning and Program Coordinator for MCC Guatemala and El Salvador. This blog was originally posted on her personal blog, A Place at the Table
These lovely streams provide a sou...
By Charissa Zehr, orginally posted on the Washington Memo.
In our 24-7 media saturated society, it can be hard to keep up with all that is going on around the world. Harder yet when certain stories are deemed ...
By Anna Vogt, a service worker in MCC Colombia currently working with Justapaz, a Mennonite organization working for justice, peace and non-violent action in Colombia. Originally posted at: thellamadiaries.word...
Photo: Anna Vogt
Tobias Roberts is an MCC service worker in Nebaj, Guatemala
Much has been written during the past year regarding the “phenomenon” of Central American youth migrating to the United State...
Wiltord, a man suffering from cholera because of Haiti's epidemic. Photo by Wawa Chege.
By Katherine and Ted Oswald, Policy Analysts and Advocacy Coordinators, MCC Haiti. Originally posted on the Huffington P...
View of landscape in Haiti's northeastern department. (Photo credit: Ted Oswald)
By Katherine and Ted Oswald, Policy Analysts and Advocacy Coordinators, MCC Haiti. This article was originally posted on their ...